Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Everyone, let's build!

I have been reading several Japanese master modelers' blogs. One of the Masters, Ws43 san has been organizing an annual online modeling festival called "皆で作ろう", loosely translated to "Everyone, let's build". Past themes include Fiat, Jaguar and Alfa Romeo. This year is a little bit different. This year's theme is Racing43. All the participants will need to complete a kit from the manufacturer Racing43 from Italy.

I am always amazed by the skills of all these master modelers when they fabricate little parts to add details or correct the errors. But for me, as an amateur, I won't be doing those kind of things. I will only build it out of the box. And I hope I will be able to complete before the deadline.

I will be building 1981 Audi Quarttro for Monte Carlo Rally/Swedish Rally. Driven by Mikkola and Hertz as the navigator.

It will be a departure from what I have been building. First of all, it is not going to be an F1 car, second of all, it is not Tameo. I did started working a little bit on the Provence Moulage Nismo GTR LM, that will be set aside until later. Something happened during Christmas. I was able to snatch up the No. 22 to accompany the No. 23 that I have already started. I will build them side by side!

This will be my first Racing 43 kit. The kit is not a complicated kit without much details. So, hopefully it will not take too long to build. But the main obstacle for me is my yet to finish Ferrari 641.


  1. あけましておめでとうございます。


  2. エヌエフさん
