We all do things for a reason. Or not do something for a reason. There is always a motive behind our action.
No new update on the MP4/23 front because I did not spend any time on the workbench. Not because I was traveling like in the old days. During COVID-19, can't go anywhere anyway. Not because I was busy training for any marathon - all road races were cancelled.
Then, why? It went back 2 weeks ago when I was working on the kit. Even though I am not planning to go nuts to chase after all the minute details (I don't have the skill nor the tools like some of the master builders), I still want to do a decent job. I did have some photographs that I took way back when at McLaren when I was in UK many years ago. Unfortunately, I don't have any picture of the exhaust area. Nor was I able to get any good picture from Google search. I am pretty sure F1 Modeling magazine published back then would have photographs from all angles. May not be from the same race, but would be good enough for reference. So I bought a copy that I think would have what I need from eBay. The cover is an MP4/23, I hope it's a good sign. I am just waiting for it to get delivered. As of today, it should be here tomorrow! Feeling excited.
Went to another Cars and Coffee yesterday. Here are some pictures of pretty cars.